Tuesday, January 18, 2011

An Experience with New Shoes

So, as promised, my story of purchasing new running shoes.  I started out by scouting out a local sporting goods store to find the pair that I liked.  I am usually an impulse shopper and will buy what I like as soon as I see it, but this time I was doing my homework.  So I had been in a couple of times checking out shoes and asking quesitons.  So, I was finally ready to buy.  I went in armed with my gift card that I got for my birthday, and the store didn't have the shoes I wanted in my size.  But, the clerk was nice enough to call around and found a pair in my size at a different location.  It was about an hour away but a good adventure for the family on a weekend.  So, on New Year's Eve we drove the hour to the other location and went to find the shoes.  They had my size and my style, so I was pretty pumped.  The shoes were also on sale for $70 so I was even more happy.  We also go some other items the should have maxed out the $100 gift card.  We went to the register and the girl checked us out.  She was very thorough, at least I thought.  She removed the security tag from the shoes and even checked to make sure both shoes were the same size.  Then it happened, she gave me the total.  $21 and change.  So, I handed her my card and she ran it.  She then looked at the reciept and told me that I still had $78 remaining on the gift card and wished me a great day.  So, I walked to the door and exited. 

I know what you are all thinking, I should have been honest and told them about the mistake.  But, here is my logic on the situation.  It is NOT my job as a consumer to make sure that the stores hire competent help.  It is my job to honestly present all of my items for purchase and if they choose not to charge me for them then that is on them. 

So, with the remaining balance on my gift card I was able to get a Nike+ Sportsband which I have been using to track all of my runs.  It has been a great help in keeping me motivated and I am really starting to LOVE this running thing. 

At this point, I have no followers for this blog but I am hoping to get some.  Anyone who joins in the future and would like me to talk about anything in particular, please let me know.

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